Sunday 17 June 2012


When someone is using cigarettes under 18, they are breaking the law. If a shopkeeper sells cigarttess to someone who is are ander 18, or someone else buying  Cigarettes for someone eles is again aganist the law, and they will get punished.
We have to show our ID to the shopkeeper for buying cigarettes and also our iD should include a current driver's licence  or a valid proof of age card(including NSW photo cards) or a current passport.  It's against the law if we are using the fake ID, for doing this we can be fined. No one is allowed to use cigarettes even it doesn't contain tobacco.
Police can search every person and if  they know that you are under 18  probably they will ask for ID. It is against the law to use cigarettes in public places that are opened to the public such as  shopping centre, restaurant, schools, colleges. ....... You cannot smoke in a car if there is someone younger than 16 in the car. If you are driving a car with someone younger than 16 inside, and anyone smokes in the car, you are also breaking the law.
Smoking cigarettes are not good for our health, We have to obey the rules and regulations.